Custom Cabinets – They can make or break the entire feel of your home

Cabinets can make or break a kitchen or bathroom. It takes a lot of work and research to find out even half of what there is to know about replacing one. Doing even a little bit of checking will save you many hours and maybe dollars in the long run so is well worth considering if you have to update yours.

Replacing a kitchen, especially if using custom cabinets is an expensive venture, and not one to be undertaken lightly. It can be a significant investment for anyone and due care and attention should be paid to the budget. For an average single family home, a completely custom kitchen will be in the region of twenty thousand dollars. More if the wood, designs and appliances are higher spec. If you don’t have that kind of money then you need to consider whether custom kitchens or cabinets are really for you. If you have a regular shaped room, a stock kitchen may work just as well.

If budget isn’t really an issue then spare a brief thought to the overall cost and return ration were you to sell your house. If you specified a forty thousand dollar kitchen, it would fit fine in a three hundred fifty thousand dollar house, but may be a little excessive in a two hundred thousand dollar one. There is no doubt that an awesome kitchen will add value to the sale price of the property, but it has to be kept in proportion. There is no point adding so much value to a home that it prices out the very people likely to buy it. If yours is valued much more than the others in your neighborhood, you’re either going to have to reduce the asking price, or spend less on your kitchen. Of course if you aren’t planning on selling up just yet then you can just ignore it.

The bathroom is the same but to a lesser extent. A good bathroom will help the sale- ability of a house rather than increase its value. Spending thousands of dollars on it just to add value is a false economy. Spending money in order to make the space work for you and your needs is a great economy because you will get exactly what you pay for. There are literally thousands of custom design ideas to suit every room, every lifestyle and every budget. What you do in the room, and how much time you spend there should directly relate to how much you spend on it.

Also consider the use that the kitchen is put to. Do you do a lot of cooking? Are there children around? Do you entertain a lot? Is it a thoroughfare to the back yard? Spend some time thinking about how the room is used, and how you would like to use it once completed. This will influence the final design as the room will only really work if you get everything you need out of it. After all there’s no point spending all this money on a kitchen if all you do is walk through it.